Nux Vomica
participates in the Digestive System
Nux vomica is a plant used in homeopathy to treat various disorders, especially those related to the nervous and digestive systems.
La nux vomica es originaria del Sudeste asiático, donde crece en los bosques tropicales. También se encuentra en el norte de Australia. Es un árbol de hoja perenne que produce unas semillas llamadas nueces vómicas, que se usan en homeopatía principalmente.
Some of the benefits attributed to it are:
- Corrects states of hyperreactivity and hypersensitivity at the stomach level, such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and constipation.
- Reduces nervousness, irritability and depression caused by stress, overwork or abuse of stimulant substances such as coffee, alcohol or tobacco.
- Relieves sharp and erratic pains of migraines, gout and arthritis.
- Controls allergies and respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and cough.
- Promotes hemostasis and prevents bleeding.
- Fights convulsions and tetanus.