It is an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine currently patent-pending, trademark and NDC (National Drug Code) assigned by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration). Its unique design combines various elements of natural origin, where each of them is applied to the principles of homeopathic dilution; considering the specificity of dilution and weight in milligrams. These elements are combined and administered in the form of a sublingual tablet. It works as an auxiliary in the treatment of nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy.
This page is referred to frequently asked questions about PreQuimm; if you want more information about the product please contact us via the quick form, that you'll find in the Contact section; and to resolve any doubts about the contents of the medicine visit the section Topics of Interest.
Currently, adverse effects in the organism remain unknown since it is formulated according to homeopathic dilution principles. This method reduces the possibility of any adverse effect in patients taking PreQuimm.
Yes, due to its action mechanism it is utilized 2 hours prior chemotherapy. Its pharmacological characteristics allow PreQuimm to work independently since it is not carried by plasma proteins or cellular receptors; thus, there is no damage, blockages, antagonism and competition with chemotherapy’s effectiveness and quality because chemotherapy works pharmacologically through metabolic pathways completely different from PreQuimm.
Dissolve 2 tablets under tongue every 15 minutes for a period of 2 hours before chemotherapy, after chemotherapy dissolve 2 tablets every 15 minutes twice, continue with 2 tablets every 4 hours for 7 to 10 days even if there is no nausea and vomiting in the next days after chemotherapy sessions. Rescue Dose: In the event of crisis of nausea and/or vomiting dissolve 2 tablets under the tongue every 15 minutes until the symptoms disappear for a maximum period of 2 hours, then continue with the previous scheme of 2 tablets every 4 hours.
No, when the tablet is dissolved under the tongue (sublingual) it provides a faster absorption which connects immediately with the bloodstream.
NO, the indicated dosage of PreQuimm is safe and adverse effects are unknown. This allows the increment of the dose since it is possible to take a rescue dose the following days after chemotherapy sessions; consequently, there is a bigger chance to achieve a better quality of life.
NO. Its active ingredients are not combined with alcohol, but are lactose based, which neutralizes any other flavor and allows the patient to take it pleasantly.
There is no evidence that PreQuimm has caused any discomfort to lactose intolerant patients. The lactose base in PreQuimm is an inactive ingredient and the majority of the pill is dissolved under the tongue while the rest (smaller amount) in the esophagus. This means that the possibility for the ingredients to go into the stomach or duodenum is minimal; therefore, there is no evidence of gastrointestinal discomfort.
Yes, it is best to take PreQuimm before every chemotherapy session, as well as during and after; because, there are no adverse effects known so far. This is possible due to the pharmacological method of fabrication.
Yes, but in a less dose.